10 People Who Just Realized That They’re Dating An Idiot

Redditors love to commiserate with each other about their dating foibles. The “When did you realize you were dating an idiot?” thread provides hours of entertainment.

If you only have a couple of minutes, here are some amazing moments that people realized the person they’d been seeing was not going to win any full rides to MIT.

10. This poor guy. This poor kid!

Iscariot reports:
“When she flipped out because her third grader came home with ‘erect’ on a spelling list, and was on the verge of calling the school. She honestly had lived her entire life not knowing ‘erect’ had any other use aside from describing a penis.”

9. Ten. Just the ten.

Taronosaru disclosed:
“When we got into a legit argument over how many years there are in a decade.

Baby, if you are reading this, there are only 10 years in a decade. Not 12.”

8. Man, that Al is a bad person.

From PorschephileGT3:
“Girl I dated for 5 years thought Al Qaeda was a lone terrorist named Al.”

7. Oh, honey, no.

Tri_Sara_Tops says:
“He insisted that women cannot be doctors, only nurses (and vice versa.) He said that the two are the exact same thing except one is male and one is female.”

6. Does he feel the same way about “Rhythm Nation”??

LeighDief shares:
“He thought the Nation of Islam was a place. When I explained to him this was not the case, he responded with, ‘agree to disagree’.”

5. That’s a hell of a commute!

Brandito23 reports:
“When she thought flashing red lights on the road (as in traffic lights blinking red) meant you were entering a different time zone instead of indicating a stop sign.”

4. This bro wasn’t allowed outside much.

captainsaveabro’s story:
“We were out to dinner and he was reading the menu and he said ‘What’s a green bean?’ Excuse me? You don’t know what a green bean is? He said ‘No, like I know what a green bean is but what is it?’

Same guy, I have rabbits and one of them hopped by him in the living room and he said ‘Oh my god what’s wrong with him?’ I said ‘Uhh nothing, what do you mean?’ He said ‘Why is he jumping like that? Did he hurt his legs?’ He had never seen a rabbit hop. He thought they walked like cats.

3. Seriously, nobody takes geography anymore.

AldmeriMinion admits:
“We were watching a movie together when he asks, ‘Where is this movie filmed?’ to which I answer ‘Massachusetts.’ He says ‘Oh.’ Later in the movie a cop car that says ‘Boston Police Department’ appears on screen. He turned and looked at me with a GOTCHA kinda look in his eyes and said ‘HA! Massachusetts? It’s in BOSTONNNN!’….I still love him.”

2. But…it’s still hot.

From [deleted]:
“Said her dad told her the giant wind farm fans in central California were to cool things down and she believed him.

Me: when you were a kid?

Her: no, last year.”

And number 1 just because I cannot stop laughing:

“Didn’t know what a clitoris was. Called it fanny bean.”

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