100 Questions Every Person Who Wants to Have a Good Life Should Ask Themselves

1. What is your purpose in life? What were you put on this earth to do?

2. What one word would you use to describe yourself?

3. What are you most passionate about?

4. What’s the “why” behind everything you do?

5. What achievements are you most proud of?

6. What experiences have you had that brought you the most joy?

7. What experiences have you had that really made you feel alive?

8. What unique personal qualities do you have?

9. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like to you?

10. Are you taking 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in life?

11. What are the most important things to you in your life?

12. What do you want to accomplish in life?

13. What experiences would you like to have?

14. What does success look like to you?

15. What are 10 things you want to have?

16. What 10 things to you want to be before you die?

17. What are your core values?

18. Look at your life right now. Are you living the life of your dreams?

19. Do you love yourself?

20. Why or why not?

21. What does your ideal self look like to you?

22. What are you most thankful for?

23. Visualize your ideal job or career. What does that look like to you.

24. Visualize your ideal home. What does it look like to you?

25. Focus on your free time recreation time. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

26. What is your dream vacation?

27. What is your ideal vision of your body and physical health?

28. What goals do you have for your personal life? Do you want to learn to play a musical instrument? Do you want to run a marathon?

29. If you had one year to live, what would you like to do?

30. If you had six months to live, what would you do?

31. If you had one day to live, what would you do?

32. What is the biggest life lesson that you learned to date?

33. What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

34. Do you tend to hold positive expectations in your mind?

35. Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe you have all the right stuff to achieve a goal that you want to achieve?

36. Are you able to give up the phrase “I can’t”?

37. Do you believe in the impossible?

38. What opportunities are you looking for?

39. How can you create these opportunities?

40. Was there a time in your life when something terrible happened that eventually became a blessing in disguise?

41. Are you able to look for the good in situations?

42. How can you use this experience to your advantage?

43. Are you able to look for an opportunity in every situation?

44. What is the biggest goal you’d like to achieve in the next year?

45. What is the biggest goal you’d like to achieve in the next 5 years?

46. What is your biggest goal for the next 10 years?

47. What is stopping you from pursuing your goals?

48. What obstacles are in your way from achieving your goals? How can you overcome them?

49. What breakthrough goal would you like to achieve that will stretch you and change everything?

50. What are five other goals that you would like to achieve in one year from now? Five years from now?

51. What are some considerations or reasons why you shouldn’t attempt a goal? What are some of the reasons why the goal seems impossible to you?

52. What fears do you have that may stop you from attempting to reach a goal?

53. What roadblocks or obstacles does the world throw at you to keep you from reaching your goal?

54. How can you deal with these roadblocks in order to move forward?

55. How important are your goals to you?

56. Who has already done what you want to do?

57. What’s stopping you from working toward your goals today?

58. What is the top priority in your life right now?

59. What are you doing about it?

60. Are you ready to make a to-do list that will help you convert your goals into daily actions to help you reach them?

61. Are you willing to make your to-do list the night before to get a head start in the morning?

61. Can you find a teacher, coach, mentor, manual, or Internet source to help you achieve one of your major goals?

63. Is there somebody that you can shadow for a day that you can learn from?

64. Are you ready to get outside of your comfort zone?

65. What do you fear most in life?

66. Are you willing to change some of your habit in order to achieve your goals?

67. What life would you like to create? Describe it in specific detail.

68. What does your inner dialogue sound like? Do you speak positive thoughts to yourself?

69. What beliefs do you have that limit you?

70. Are your beliefs helping you to achieve your goals?

71.If not, are you ready to let them go?

72. Close your eyes. Can you picture every one of goals as if they are already complete?

73. Are you ready to act as if you are where you want to be?

74. Are you ready to think like, act like, dress like, and feel like the person who has already achieved your goal?

75. Are you ready to take action?

76. Do you live in the past, present or future?

77. What are some big actions you can take today to help get you toward your goals?

78. Who in your life do you need to forgive for your own benefit?

79. When in life have you felt the most inspired, the most motivated, or most alive?

80. How can you help change another person’s life for the better today?

81. What five people do you spend the most time with?

82. Are there any toxic people in your life that you may need to distance yourself from?

83. Are these people helping you or holding you back from achieving your dreams?

84. What good habits do you have that you would you like to nurture?

85. What bad habits do you want to break?

86. Who inspires you the most?

87. Are you willing to make sacrifices to help a better life?

88. How do you handle rejection?

89. What is some feedback (data, advice, help) that you can get on your action steps to see if they are getting you closer toward your goals?

90. What action steps do you need to improve on?

91. Who are the most important people to you?

92. Are you willing to spend more time with them?

93. What kind of people do you enjoy spending time with?

94. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

95. If you died tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret?

96. Are you willing to go the extra mile?

97. What past successes have you had that can help motivate you?

98. Have you met your core genius? That thing inside of you that you love to do and do so well that you hardly feeling like charging people?

99. Are you willing to let go of mediocre in order to achieve something great?

100. Are you willing to show others how to have a good life?

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