1. In 1964, French photographer Robert Serrecsnapped this photo of what resembles a giant snake-like creature resting on the sea floor off the coast of Queensland, Australia. No-one has been able to positively identify what that is.
2. A family in Texas wanted a photo of them sitting down to dinner in their new house. The photo appears to show a body falling from the ceiling. No plausible explanation has ever been given.
3. Jim Templeton was on a day out with his family when he decided to snap a photo of his daughter Elizabeth, who was wearing a new dress. When he took the photo, he didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. But when the image was developed, a spaceman appears to be floating behind Elizabeth. Kodak confirmed the photo was not altered in any way, and has even offered a reward to anyone who can prove it is a fake. The reward has never been claimed.
4. Cops in St. Petersburg, Florida snapped this photo in 1951. Mary Reeser had been sitting in her chair when her entire chair became engulfed in flames, consuming everything but her left foot. The fire was hot enough to actually shrink her skull, but nothing else in the room was touched.
5. A retired clergyman took this photos in 1966 when he was visiting the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. Though he only meant to take a photo of the unique tulip staircase, he also captured a shrouded figure climbing the stairs. The area around the staircase is rumoured to be haunted and unexplained footsteps have been heard.
6. This photo was taken at the re-opening of the South Fork Bridge in Gold Bridge, British Columbia in 1941. Notice his clothes and sunglasses don’t look like anything from the 1940s, and the man appears to be holding a modern-era camera. Some suspect the man is a time traveller.
7. The Babushka Lady is a name given to a mysterious woman present at the assassination of John F. Kennedy. She was holding a camera, and because of her position on the motorcade route, had a vantage point to the assassination. Despite the FBI’s search for her, and the Warren Commission’s, she has never been identified, and no film has ever come to light that she may have taken.
8. The Black Knight satellite conspiracy dates back to 1954 when UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe told a newspaper that the US Air Force had detected two satellites orbiting Earth. At that time, however, no one had the technology to launch a satellite. The conspiracy theory really caught fire, however, in 1998 when NASA released this image, which it said shows a thermal blanket lost during a mission. However, conspiracy theorists believe it is one of the satellites and it was launched by aliens.
9. On March 13, 1997, a series of bright unidentified lights appeared over 300 miles in the Southwest US. There were two distinct events. A triangular formation of lights passed over the whole state and stationary lights hovered over Phoenix. The Air Force said that the second set of lights were flares dropped by a A-10 Warthog for a training exercise. However, the lights reappeared over Phoenix in 2007 and 2008. Theystill have not been explained.
10. This photo reportedly shows a ghost on top of the St. Augustine light house.
11. This was found in an abandoned house in Massachusetts. It says “I love you more than you know. I’ve raised you since you died. Please stop visiting.”
12. Reverend K. F. Lord snapped this image in 1963 inside the Newby Church in North Yorkshire. A ghostly figure wearing a cowl was also captured. The reverend swore that nobody else was in the church when he took the photo.
13. Hampton Court Palace’s security cameras caught this figure closing the door. When guards arrived to investigate, they found nobody there.
14. In 1919 aircraft mechanic Freddy Jackson was killed when he walked into an airplane propeller. Two days later, his squadron took a group photo. His fellow crew were shocked when he appeared in the photo, despite it having been taken on the day of his funeral.
15. The Naga Fireballs are a natural phenomenon in which glowing red balls rise from beneath the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos and into the air. Science can’t explain it.