21 Genius Life Hacks That Were Discovered By Lazy People

1. Protect baby fingers with Band-Aids instead of shelling out for genuine plug protectors.

2. Even the Lord would give these guys a pass.

3. The hoodie bowl

4. So easy.

5. Using a vacuum to pick up a lost item instead of using the stairs – win?

6. That’s one way to take out the trash.

7. Using a Sharpie to cover bleach stains? Genius.

8. Seriously – why remove the door stops from their packaging?

9. A genius way to keep your chill.

10. Just drive across the lawn to deliver the mail.

11. Peak hipster.

12. Learn to delegate.

13. Whoa.

14. How would anyone know?

15. When you can’t even bother to use your calculator.

16. No glass, no problem.

17. Not sure how this works but people say it works, and we know you don’t want to buy new furniture.

18. Don’t even bother getting real speakers.

19. Don’t buy compressed air when you can use a sticky to clean your keyboard.

20. Budget air freshener.

21. And if you can’t even be bothered with that, try this.

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