30 Posts So Stupid You Won’t Stop Laughing

Once in a while you’ll come across a post on social media so stupid that you’ll laugh until you cry. Here we have a collection of posts so stupid that it will make you wonder how these people tie their own shoes let alone survive in this complicated world. These are the people who need those ridiculous warning labels on everyday items most of us know how to use properly. Being this stupid really should be as painful to them as it is to us.

1. You really can’t argue with a person who knows the past tents of cut.

2. Let’s all pray that this person is not a teacher.

3. Yes, the pound sign wasn’t invented until tweeters needed it.

4. Let’s all guess who’s helping this poor child with her homework.

5. She needs to spend more time in school and less worrying about hot guys.

6. Dear parents, you’re not doing your job correctly.

7. Not as dumb as you?

8. Again, parents are failing their children.

9. And what does she think chicken is made out of exactly?

10. Actually, Muslim is a word used to describe a person who follows Islam.

11. This poor person has seen a paper map but wasn’t told how to read it.

12. This can’t be real. Please tell me this isn’t real and no one is this stupid.

13. Just over here thinking these people were raised by wolves.

14. And she plans to breed….Bless her heart.

15. What are they teaching in our schools?

16. Busted!

17. Yep, raised by wolves….stupid wolves.

18. Try cold ham I hear that works too.

19. And guess who just got their identity stolen.

20. But there is a “u” in dumbass.

21. This is what ii looks like when irony says “hold my beer”.

22. I’ll take “Dumbest sentence ever uttered” for $500 Alex.

23. So it was an option but for his shyness? What?

24. At least her outrage wasn’t about wanting winning lottery numbers.

25. Wow….Just wow.

26. Okay, time to issue licenses for breeding.

27. How to find out which of your friends are smart and which are not.

28.Stupid birds of a feather….

29. Until your child’s teachers asks you to stop helping with homework.

30. Boom!!!

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