1. Boston Bombing.
In an episode that aired March 17, 2013, Peter Griffin befriends a Muslim man named Mahmoud and converts to Islam. It becomes obvious that Peter has unwittingly joined a terrorist sleeper cell. When Peter tries to call Mahmoud from a phone Mahmoud gave him, he remotely triggers two separate bombs, killing three people and causing widespread chaos. Then in a cutaway, Peter drives his car through the Boston Marathon, mowing down participants.
About a month later, on April 15, 2013, two bombs exploded near the finish line at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring several hundred others. Brothers Dzhokhar and TamerlanTsarnaev were responsible for the bombing.
2. Bruce Jenner.
Years before Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner, Family Guy was dropping hints that it knew something was up. One episode from 2009 contained a clip where Stewie and the family’s talking dog Brian are debating Jenner’s gender. When they see Jenner’s son Brody, Stewie says he “can’t believe that came out of Bruce Jenner’s vagina.” Brian replies, “Bruce Jenner is a man.”
“No Brian,” Stewie says, “that’s what the press would have you believe, but he’s not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful Dutch woman.”
In 2011, Family Guy writers again took aim at Jenner with a clip of Peter Griffin pretending to a Bob Hope type character, introducing Bruce Jenner as entertainment for troops.
In 2015, Jenner announced he was transitioning into a woman.
3. Kevin Spacey.
In a clip that aired in 2004, Stewie is seen running naked through a mall yelling, “Help! I’ve escaped from Kevin Spacey’s basement! Help me!” In October 2017, actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexually assaulting him when he was 14 years old. Since then, fifteen people have come forward to accuse Spacey of sexual assault.
4. Robin Williams’ suicide.
An episode that aired on May 20, 2012 predicted Robin Williams’ tragic end. In this story, called Fatman and Robin, Peter is given a gift in which everything he touches turns into Robin Williams. The novelty wears off, however, and soon Peter is driven to madness by all of the Robin Williamses. In response, he tries to kill himself and is thwarted many times, but succeeds by hanging himself from a bedroom door. Furthermore, Peter ends up chopping off both his hands, which is weirdly mirrored by Williams allegedly being found with cuts on his left wrist.
5. Antonin Scalia.
In an episode in 2007, “Meet the Quagmires”, recurring character Death declares that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been shot dead by former VP and close friend Dick Cheney in a hunting accident. Weirdly, ten years later Scalia was found dead on a hunting trip in Texas.
6. Paul Walker.
In the 2013 episode “Life of Brian”, Brian is killed by an out of control driver while playing street hockey with Stewie. One week later, Paul Walker, whose character in the Fast and Furious franchise was also called Brian, was killed when the car he was traveling in smashed into a concrete lamppost.