1. Dr. John Tyler discovered the government of Frederick, Maryland planned to build a road that would cross through recently purchased property. Tyler took refuge in a local law that said the city could not build a road if a building was being constructed in the path of the road, so Dr. Tyler poured a foundation overnight, preventing the city from extending the road. Today it is a cozy bed and breakfast.
2. The Boston “Skinny House” is the result of a feud between two brothers. One brother built a massive house on land they were supposed to share. When the second brother returned from the Civil War and realized what his brother had done, he built a house to block the sunlight from his brother’s house.
3. In Virginia City, Nevada, a miner bought a small house with his earnings. But someone who hated him saw an opportunity to be a jerk and built the property next door. He relocated his old house and set it down mere inches away.
4. In the Kensington neighbourhood of London, Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring saw that her renovation plans had been rejected due to complaints from neighbors. She got revenge with this garish paint job, which though it is eye-burning, is completely legal.
5. This rainbow house is located directly across from the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.
6. In 1908, Francis O’Reilly approached his neighbour in Cambridge, Massachusetts about buying his oddly-shaped parcel of land. When his neighbour declined, O’Reilly built a 308 square foot home, which is now occupied by an interior decorator’s office.
7. This 7-foot wide house was erected in 1830 by the owner of the adjacent property who hated the noise from people and horses as they passed through the alleyway next to his house..