The 10 Funniest Notes Left on the Windshields of Bad Parkers

Bad parkers stress me out, especially in large parking lots that are packed. There is no excuse for that level of douche baggery. I generally mumble under my breath and suck in my stomach and make a lukewarm effort to not dent whatever piece of scrap is parked in my personal space, but some people are not so nice.
Some people leave hilarious, yet pointed messages to the drivers.

1. Parking on his privates? Now THAT is worth an angry note.

2. Even Mickey Mouse knows you park like a jerk

3. This person must encounter a lot of crappy parkers if they made printed cards

4. Subtle

5. I’m terrible for laughing, but so are you

6. Well… they’re right

7. Life Hack: Avoid hateful messages on your car by not being THIS guy.

8. How many of these do you use that you had them pre-made?

9. Concise.

10. She has a point

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