The 11 Most Essential Items You’ll Need in a Natural Disaster

Living on the east coast, my family and I are certainly no strangers to hurricanes and tropical storms. Yet, the impendinghurricane season is a reminder of just how important it is for every family to be prepared for any natural disaster.

Whether it is a hurricane, earthquake, wild fire, tornado, or flood, here is a list of the top 11 items that you’ll need if a catastrophe strikes:

1. Water: Onegallon per person per day for 2 weeks is recommended. You will also need to have enough water for cooking, cleaning, and for your pets.

2.Food: Have at least a three-day supply of food. Be sure to have plenty of non-perishable food items that do not require refrigeration. Stock up on canned fruits, vegetables, and canned meats, trail mixes, honey, and peanut butter.

3. First aid kit: IncludeBand-Aids, a thermometer, tweezers, gauze pads, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, salve, adhesive tape, hand sanitizer, and sunscreen.

4. Medication: Keep some extra prescriptionmedication on hand in case disaster strikes. Be sure to also keep a supply of over-the-counter medications like pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, and contact lenses (if needed).

5. Supplies: Be sure to include these items in your emergency kit: flashlights, extra batteries, candles, scissors, knife, manual can opener, sewing kit, matches (in a waterproof container), whistle, and a battery-operated radio.

6. Cash: Have a little cash on hand. At least $20. Also keep some change.

7. Pepper Spray: You never know what kind of predator you may encounter in a natural disaster. It’s good to keep some pepper spray around for protection.

8. Personal hygiene items: Be sure to have plenty of toiletry items, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products.
9. Outdoor clothing: Stock up on warm clothing that is made for heavy use. You can find many of these items in outdoor clothing stores. You’ll also need rain gear, work boots, pants, sweatshirts, thermal underwear, and wool socks.
10. Extra pillows and blankets:S tore them in a waterproof container.
11. Entertainment Items: Books, cards, board games, toys, paper and crayons, and other art supplies.

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