The art of seduction has been turned into a message board pastime for lonely or unsuccessful men on the Internet. They exchange advice on getting women’s attention and sexual favors, and some have even developed systems for scoring regularly.
Many of these men are just underconfident, shy people hoping to learn how to talk to women. Some think of women more as targets to acquire rather than people. And the “gurus” who dole out advice and sell ebooks to lonely men range from gently encouraging to downright terrifying.
We’ve plumbed the depths of “PUA” culture for the more ridiculous, disturbing, and douchey quotes — so you don’t have to. Warning: some of these are really disturbing.
20. No. Do not do this. Do not do ANY of these.
19. “The only difference between your actions being romantic and creepy is how attractive the other person finds you. That’s it, that’s all.” — Christopher Hudspeth
18. “Girls don’t respect guys who buy them drinks. Don’t buy meals, drinks, or gifts.” — David X
17. “With a girl who you are comfortable with and feel entitled to, all that you think about doing in the conversation is how to amplify your own state.” — anonymous
16. “Girls are super indecisive people. It’s hard wired into them. You have to be dominant, lead, and tell her what to do.” — anonymous
15. “Wait, before you go, please answer the following survey so I could better bang you in the future. What didn’t work for you about this pickup?” —Julien Fabrice
14. “I live in my reality, and you’re a guest.” — David DeAngelo
13. “On more than one occasion I’ve had women walk up to me and tell me that they either loved or hated my goggles. Either way, I would reply,‘No, you don’t; you’re attracted to me.’ —Mystery
12. “No matter how many girls you have (even if you only have one), they must always know they are replaceable. That way they lose all the the power that society normally gives them in relationships.” — anonymous
11. “If you act like she is too important, she’ll treat you like you’re not important.” — David DeAngelo
10. “You’re forgetting one simple fact. Sleeping with the enemy is hot.” —Julien Fabrice
9. “When you want them, They don’t want you. When you don’t want them, they want you.” — David DeAngelo
8. “They’re playing groupie, so I’m playing rock star.” — Mystery
7. “Don’t get a maybe for an answer; go for the kiss.” — XFMAN
6. “Everything comes apart if you know where the screws are.” — Juggler
5. “I still think you are mean, petty and vindictive, but I’m thinking maybe we should hate f-ck? Get the poison out?” —Julien Fabrice
4. “Exchanging shallow conversation for deep throat.” — Sage Francis
3. “Once a man realizes women are lying, d*ck sucking sluts, the rest of GAME comes to him naturally.” —Alexander Valmont
2. “Within every woman on this planet, regardless of her education or background, is a bitch, a c*nt, a slut, a golddigger, a flake, a cheater, a backstabber, a narcissist and an attention whore.” — Roosh V.
1. “Women’s ‘instinct’ told them that having raw dog sex with me was safe! Me! A guy who basically f*cks women for a living! I ended up having a mild panic attack, but eventually that went away and I continued to have the ‘occasional’ slip.
Girls are supposedly the more intuitive of our species, but if so many feel right about f*cking me without a condom, then I must conclude that they don’t know sh*t. They’re all dirty little whores who truly disgust me with their sex habits. I don’t care if she’s a lawyer, government worker, or environmentalist—if she lives in a metropolitan city and f*cked you by the third date, she’s a bucket of disease.” —Roosh V.