Many believe that millionaires inherit their money, drive around in expensive cars, and live lavishly. This is simply not always the case.
In fact, most folks with a seven-figure net worth have common sense habits that have led them to becoming rich.
This truth is that hitting the $ million mark is more attainable than ever and there plenty of ways to do it.Here are the top 7 myths about millionaires:
1. Millionaires feel rich.
According to the UBS Investor Watch, less than 30% of those valued between 1 and 5 million dollars felt they had enough money to be called wealthy.
2. There are few millionaires in Congress.
According to The New York Times, members of Congress are not only powerful, but more than half of them are also millionaires.
3. Millionaires live lavishly.
In most cases, millionaires have gotten to where they are because they practiced good saving habits and lived frugally.
4. They are smarter.
Millionaires are ordinary people who have achieved extra-ordinary goals. They are still human and make mistakes like everyone else.
5. They are just lucky.
Pure luck is not much of a factor in achieving success. In fact,most millionaires made their fortune through hard work and persistence.
6. Millionaires drive fancy cars.
That’s just not true, says Thomas Stanley, co-author of “The Millionaire Next Door.”1 in 10 drive Toyotas and among millionaire engineers, that number increases to 1 in 4.
7. Money can’t buy happiness.
A recent study shows that it actually can. Based on data culled from sources such as Gallup World and the World Bank, there does seem to be a direct correlation between bigger bank accounts and heightened bliss.