Anyone who knows about breeding dogs knows that breeders have desired characteristics they breed for. When breeding Pit Bull terriers most original breeders weren’t worried about silly things like coat color or length. No, Pit Bull creators were breeding for muscle mass, head size, strength and of course fighting ability. Now that civilized people have come to the defense of all things 4 legged and have shamed those original dog fighting breeders into the shadows the majority of Pit Bulls are bred and trained for sweet temperaments and their ability to get along with other dogs rather than want to kill them. While there will always be vicious Pit Bulls try to remember the same can be said for just about every breed. I’ve never been bit by a Pit but I have been bitten by a Poodle, a Chow Chow and a mutt. Nevertheless, most people will always judge the breed by their past and the sensational stories that make the headlines. While those headlines do not apply to the majority of Pits it does add to the reputation which can help the owners protect themselves. So if you own one of those sweet, mushy, loveable Pits don’t forget to take advantage of their mystique when it suits you.
1. Visit the ATM at any time you so choose.
Who’s dumb enough to rob you when you have this entourage?
2. Save lots of money on not needing a security system.
Burglars pick homes that offer the least amount of resistance. Let’s just admit that to a burglar a home with a Pit Bull offers a target with the most amount of resistance.
3. You’ll have the entire dog park all to yourself.
When most doggie parents see a Pit Bull show up to the dog park they pack up their four legged kids and get out as fast as possible. Those that do stay behind might be the best company you’ll have while letting your gentle baby run loose.
4. You’ll have the entire sidewalk to yourself for your daily walks.
There is nothing wrong with a little bit of elbow room while taking a walk through the neighborhood. Right?
5. Send the kids outside with total confidence that they will be okay.
There is zero chance that your child will be kidnapped, attacked, bullied or even talked to if you send them outside with the family’s Pit Bull babysitter.